Thursday, September 20, 2012

uses "Give Me Five!"

I can officially say that I am a substitute teacher again! Last week I had my first job in a kindergarten classroom. Yesterday I subbed for pre-k and today...middle & high school!!! YIKES! Actually, today wasn't that bad. I will admit, I was pretty nervous last night, thinking about how long it had been since I had walked those same hallways of my high school, and how strange it would be to sub for my middle and high school science teacher. It turns out I had nothing to worry about. I'm subbing in my small, hometown so it was a little strange to have some of my cousins in class and require them to call me by my last name. But, overall, I was very happy with how well it went.

Now that I've had a chance to get into some classrooms, I'm reminded of how important it is to have a method in place to get your student's attention. When you're a sub, if the teacher hasn't written anything in the plans, you always wonder what the class is used to. I usually end up just asking a student, "how does your teacher get the attention of the class?" Some of the responses I've gotten...

"She says, 'LISTEN UP'... really loud."
"He gives us 'the look'."
"She raises her hand and waits."
"She yells."

Since, I'm not comfortable or used to most of these methods, it can be difficult for me. When I taught fifth grade I used "Give Me Five" of "Show Five". It was quick, respectful, and the students knew exactly what it meant. I said it while raising my hand, the students would stop what they were doing, stop talking, turn to look at me and listen for my direction. This was one of the first routines I modeled and taught at the beginning of every year. I used it all year long and loved it, and ALWAYS included directions on how to use it when I left sub plans.

So you can imagine my delight when I entered a pre-k classroom last week and immediately noticed "Give Me Five" posters on each of the four walls. The students knew what it meant, I didn't have to yell to get their attention, and we had a great day. In honor of all teachers who use this method, or would like to start, I have added two free "Give Me Five" posters to my TpT store (one colorful, one black & white). I hope you all enjoy them!

Give Me Five Colorful Poster

Give Me Five Black and White Poster