Tuesday, October 16, 2012

found the perfect teacher Halloween costume!

In my previous post, I talked about how I was Boo'ed by a fellow blogger. I mentioned a few of my favorite October things, and one of them was my Costumes board on Pinterest.

Looking through the costume ideas again, I noticed one that I had completely forgotten about. The Book Fairy! It's the PERFECT teacher Halloween costume!!!

This is the Book Fairy Costume I pinned from Lilliedale.
She has a complete tutorial on how to make the costume on her blog!
Isn't that adorable?!? Unfortunately, I might not even be in a classroom this year for Halloween. I say might not, because the long term substitute position that I am doing could start any day! The Title I teacher I am taking over for is due to have her baby November 1st. Maybe I should start working on this costume, just in case. ;)

I know that some schools don't allow students and staff to dress up for the holiday, but this is one of those costumes that could work for other events. I mean, what better way to get your students excited about books! I can just imagine how engaged students would be if the "Book Fairy" showed up every now and then to read aloud to the class, or teach a lesson.

I wonder what other teacher costumes are floating around out there. Let the hunt begin!

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  1. That costume is amazing. I wonder if you can sit in it though ...


    1. Oh, good point! I would maybe make the paper tutu so that you can take it on and off easily. Instead of having to step in and out of it, use velcro, maybe?
