Saturday, September 8, 2012

USED to miss

Picnik is over
That's right, I USED to miss When I heard the picnik was over, I was heartbroken. What in the world was I going to use to edit my photos? I know there are tons of other sites out there, but picnik was my favorite! And having such a limited budget doesn't allow for the purchase of those "other" fabulous programs I hear so much about, so now what?!?

Enter....PicMonkey!!!! Now, I can't pretend that I know everything about it...I've pretty much just read about it. Thanks to a quick review by Something Swanky, I'm headed there right now to check it out. I loved the enthusiasm in her post, so much, I've already decided to end my time of mourning for picnik, and fill that empty space with PicMonkey. I'm off to try it out...will post pics soon!

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